Sunday, December 09, 2007

Here I am again....

Okay, I know, I know, I promised to be better at this blogging thing but of course I've been bad and had forgotten about it again. I swear it's been on my to do list but it just doesn't happen.

So, for now, I'll post a couple pictures of my little kids. They are my current favorite of the two of them. It's very rare that I get to take pictures of them where they're serious or not making silly faces (they like to do that) so I really love these.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I really wish I could take better pictures. I love taking pictures of them and I take quite a bit but I wish I know how to take pictures the right way. Oh well, someday, I'll take some classes.

I'll post more pictures of them doing silly faces next time. I have quite a bit of those.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just Because....

So, the other day I made a list of things to do for yesterday. I actually got quite a bit done from the list and then some but unfortunately, I didn't finish all of what's on the list. This is what I got done:

Go to the gym or walk/run on the treadmill for at least 2 miles.
Didn't make it to the gym but I did walk/run 2.1 miles.
Make our bed. Check
Put dishes away. Check
Wash dishes. Check
Do at least 2 loads of laundry. Check + some
Put laundry away (Ugh, I hate this part) Check
Clean laundry room.
Delete all un-needed contacts on my iPhone (Check)
Add contacts I need. (Didn't get to this because my iPhone's battery was low so I had to charge it.
Clean the computer desk.

There are also things that weren't on my to do list that I actually did too but I won't bore you with that.

Today, I actually got on the treadmill again and walked/ran 2.25 miles in 40 minutes. I am so out of shape. I was huffing and puffing by the time I was done. I haven't been to the gym in a while so I think I shouldn't have been surprised about this. Hopefully, I can keep doing this till I get to the routine again and walk at least 10 miles a week. Now I know that might not be that much but it's a good start for me. I think it was harder for me to keep up exercising than actually starting it.

My family will be having Thanksgiving at my sister in law's house in Salem, Oregon so we will be driving there either tomorrow night or Thursday morning. Depending on what time my husband David gets off from work. So tomorrow, I will be busy packing our stuff to take with us. As usual, another busy day.

I know we'll be taking lots of pictures when we get there so I will be posting pictures here when we come back.

I will try to make another post before we leave but if I can't, Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007

My Favorite Song...

Good Morning! Just wanted to post a video of a song that is currently my favorite. Love the song...Love the singer :-)

Will post more later...

Lazy Day and List Of Chores For Tomorrow

I had such a lazy day today. Didn't do much all day although there really is a lot of household chores to do. I mean I don't think there is a clean spot in my house. It is so frustrating that I don't even know where to start cleaning even when I feel like it.

So, all I did was sit on the computer for most of the day, cooked meatballs spaghetti (which I will post a recipe on tomorrow), washed some dishes, gave some of my spaghetti to neighbors, watched a dvd movie with my husband (License To Wed) and back on the computer again.

I was trying to download some of the actions I just bought on PSE 6 and of course, since I've never done it before and I have no clue how to do it, it took me forever just to get 1 action finally downloaded. I will have to spend more time there tomorrow and see if I can learn more about it. So frustrating...

Tomorrow, I am hoping to be more productive with my day in terms of house cleaning. Really, I need to do something. Also, I would really like to start going to the gym again so, hopefully I make it there tomorrow. If not, I promise to walk/run on my treadmill even for just a couple of miles.

Okay, I think I do a lot better and feel more accomplished when I make a list of what to do so here is my to do list for tomorrow (not necessarily in order):

Go to the gym or walk/run on the treadmill for at least 2 miles.
Make our bed
Put dishes away.
Wash dishes.
Do at least 2 loads of laundry.
Put laundry away (Ugh, I hate this part)
Clean laundry room.
Delete all un-needed contacts on my iPhone
Add contacts I need.
Clean the computer desk.

Okay, I think that should be good for now. If I can just do at least half of that then it would be a great start. Maybe I should turn my computer off for a couple of hours so I can get more done. Whew, if only it's that easy :-)

Well, if I really want to get things done I guess that means I should go to bed now since it's really late. So.... see you tomorrow.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hello Again!

It's been more than a year since I've been here and I feel like I'm starting all over again. It seems like everyone have their own blogs nowadays and I feel like I'm really behind so I decided that I need to update this blog and really keep up with it.

With that said... I promise to start posting more often. At least not just once a year! :-) You would think that with all the time I spend on the internet that I should be able to post more on my own blog right? Well, to tell you the truth it kind of got forgotten for a while until recently when I was asked if I had a blog.

So much has happened since my last post (but then again, that was a year ago, so duh!) so I will try as much as I can in the next few days to post a little something that happened in my life in the year that just past.

Life had been tough but of course there are a lot of things to be thankful for. There were so many trials and heartaches but most of them are just learning lessons in this journey called Life.

Well, it's kind of late now so I will come back tomorrow and post more. Goodnight!