Sunday, December 05, 2010

I'm Back to Blogging!

Sorry for my extended absence from my blog. Life kinda got in the way and November was just a busy busy month.

My family and I went on a vacation to Singapore for 10 days and when we got back, I had to play catch up on all my club, workshop and UStamp commitments.

So, while I've been gone from the blogging world, I've made a few projects. One of which is my UStamp project and here is the sneak peek for that:

1st Ustamp project:

Holiday Headbands

If you would like to see the tutorial for this project, all you have to do is visit the Ustamp site and register for the event "Get a Jump on Your Jingle, Holiday Papercrafting 2010". There are over 40+ awesome tutorials for you to enjoy.

Tomorrow, I will be posting my 2nd Ustamp project so watch out for it.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Starting Over

I have decided to come back to blogging. At first, I was just going to create another blog and let this one go but reading through my older posts, I couldn't bear to just delete it. So, I am starting over with this post and hope to post more often with some projects that I will be making using Stampin' Up products.

So....I will keep this short but sweet! I am back! So, check out for more posts soon.