I had a great long weekend! I feel like I've accomplished so much and I haven't had that feeling in so long.
After the new year, as most people do, I actually had set a New Year's Resolution. I don't normally do that since I know it can get hard. It's kind of like a promise but it's usually broken.
Anyway, for me, this year, I wanted to be able to lose at least 30 more pounds before my birthday in July. I also wanted to learn how to sew and learn more in Photography and Photo Editing.
Well, I started going to the gym again last week. I actually made it there 3 times last week and I'm so happy about that. Hopefully I do better this week. On my last post, I had posted my measurements and I will try to continue doing that every Monday. So, for this week, I'm very happy to say that I did lose some weight. Yay!
Jan. 14, 2008 Jan. 21, 2008
Weight: 159 pounds 155.5 pounds
Bust: 39.5 inches 38.5 inches
Waist: 35 inches 34 inches
Hips: 40 inches 39.5 inches
In regards to the sewing thing, I actually hemmed for the very first time yesterday. I went to Lori's house for a few hours and I was able to hem a pair of my jeans and I actually wore it today. It was a nice feeling and I feel like I had gone shopping for new jeans. I also repaired a pair of pants that I have that had a hole on both sides of my hips. I have no idea what happened to that but it was one of my favorite jeans to wear and I hadn't been able to wear it for a while now since I noticed the ripped sides. I also sewed a Travel Tissue Holder. The first one I made was too small so I made another one and I gave it to Maleah. Oh my gosh, I was so proud of myself. In one afternoon, I hemmed and repaired 2 pairs of jeans and made a small project. I was so happy. Best of all, now I don't feel so scared of my sewing machine. I don't feel too intimidated anymore. I can actually change the thread, put the thread in a bobbin and actually start sewing without looking at the manual! I have more jeans to hem and hopefully I can finish a lot of them this week but I'm so happy that I actually started sewing. It might not be much but it's a great start I think.
As for the Photography and Photo Editing, well, I had originally wanted to take some classes but since I can't right now, I've been going online and taking up free classes. I've been printing out pdf files from the free Photography classes from 2peasinabucket.com and it's been great. I just need to take some time to actually read through them and start playing with my camera.
So, for the most part, I think I'm off to a good start with my goals. David and I also made quite a bit of progress with cleaning the house this weekend too. He's been cleaning in the garage while I was learning to sew and then today, we cleaned in the Living Room and a little bit in the Master's Bedroom. We ate dinner at Chili's and bought a few stuff at Sam's Club.
Oh, on top of that, I also got a new car stereo this weekend that my husband installed for me. My car stereo had been so messed up for a while now and after my husband installed the new one, Wow, I am really loving it. He also finally bought a new windshield wipers for me since my old ones were really really messed up. So, I've been kind of spoiled this weekend and I loved it. It feels great. Loving my husband right now....